Join Dr. Han Ren (she/her) and Kristen Hobbs, MPH, CPH, (she/her) and learn about antiracism and health equity for clinicians with Violet Master Class.
Enjoy the free series on demand below.
Violet's accredited continuing education has trained thousands of clinicians at leading health care organizations in cultural competence on one app. Let's keep learning for the patients of tomorrow. Unlock Violet's full suite of health equity tools, including more education, at
Health equity and antiracism master class for clinicians.

Join Dr. Han Ren (she/her) and Kristen Hobbs, MPH, CPH, (she/her) and learn about antiracism and health equity for clinicians with Violet Master Class.
Enjoy the free series on demand below.
Violet's accredited continuing education has trained thousands of clinicians at leading health care organizations in cultural competence on one app. Let's keep learning for the patients of tomorrow. Unlock Violet's full suite of health equity tools, including more education, at
Request a demo.
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