The basics


Main lockup
Our logo uses clear and distinct lettering, and vivid colors, to bring our brand to life. Our main logo should be used as often as possible.
Logo versions
To reflect our passion for cultural diversity, we have expanded our logos into different shades. Our secondary logos can be used as an accent.
Light blue on dark green.
Light gray on violet.
Dark on light blue.
It's important that our logo has enough space to make a statement and draw the eye.
Like a violet flower, our emblem is lush and vibrant. These graphics are used for widgets.
Light blue on dark green.
Light gray on violet.
Dark on light blue.
Blue on brown.
Ancillary logos
Our products, such as Violet Education and Violet Labs, use sub-branded logos.
Violet Education
Violet Labs
Logo don'ts
Our logo and ancillary designs should remain the same as above. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Don’t stretch or distort the logo.
Don't outline the logo.
Don't apply gradients to the logo.
Don't apply drop shadows to the logo.

We love color. It's important for our brand that we signal our inclusivity-driven product through a spectrum of colors. We include the rainbow as a nod to our LGBTQ roots and a future grounded in working with clinicians to build health equity for all patients, regardless of identity.
Main palette
Our main colors are in the foreground of most designs.
Forest green
Off white
Bright violet
Baby blue
Gray brown
Light gray
Ancillary palette.
Did we mention that we love color? We have a collection of secondary colors to plug 'n play with our main palette.
Dark gray
Pale brown
Accessibility ratios
Accessibility is central to our design ethos since we're driven by inclusivity. It's important we match our colors based on accessibility ratios.
Color proportion
To impart brand equity, we always produce designs that highlight our main colors while balancing ancillary accents that don't overpower.

We've chosen font that is legible and accessible, first and foremost. It's important that our designs are clear to read for most individuals. That's a part of being inclusive. Additionally, as an education provider, we've chosen typography that is collegiate and reflects our main customer: clinicians and health care orgs.
Main typeface
Our primary typeface is Recoleta. Its primary use is for large typographic expressions and messaging statements. It can be downloaded here.
OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn
Supporting typefaces
Our supporting typefaces are Mabry Pro Light and Pro Regular. Its use is for subtitles and body text. It can be downloaded here and here.
OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn
OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn
Google fonts
When Recoleta and Mabry aren't supported, you may use DM Sans Regular by Google. Download it here.
KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopq
KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopq
Style matrix
We rank our typography based on headers and body text. See the order of things below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Deliver more inclusive care.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Violet powers inclusive care at scale.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
That’s why Violet has standardized cultural competence, and credentials clinicians to unlock inclusivity.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque et dapibus urna. Nulla lacinia, enim ut tristique commodo, ligula erat ornare libero, scelerisque fermentum turpis enim ac quam. Vestibulum mollis massa dui, sed cursus nunc cursus non. Integer risus elit, elementum nec dolor id, facilisis pretium odio. Mauris laoreet arcu leo, sit amet sagittis felis condimentum vel. Ut a sagittis orci.
Graphic elements
Violet uses illustrations to show who we are. Illustrations are an impactful way to visualize both our products and our educational concepts.
From our website to our e-learning platform, you'll see how Violet operates with easily understood visualizations.

Illustration motif
We use a sunrise motif to symbolize a new horizon for health care based on inclusive care delivery.
Product illustrations
We like to show our products as often as possible to build brand recognition about who we are and what we do: credential and upskill cultural competence in clinicians.

Conceptual illustrations
When we talk about health care or teach new concepts, we reach for illustrations to drive home ideas and branding.
General health
Building patient trust.
Equity in healthcare
Identity-centered care journeys
Better provider data
Personalized care
Physical and mental health
Substance abuse
Implicit bias
Medical kit
Health equity / trauma
Power structures
White privilege
Benchmarking factors
Cultural humility
Work experience
We use sub-branded icons to demarcate our products, concepts, and website for an easier user journey.
Abstract / general
Concept specific
Mental health
Patient trust
Customer personas
CEO of a health care organization
DEI strategy leader
Clinical operations manager
Business development manager
Provider engagement director
Health equity leader
Website menu
Our team
Our mission
Sometimes, a solid color needs something attention-grabbing. Textures come into play when designs need a dynamic element.
Waves of inclusivity
Dots matrix
Zig Zag
Arrows up
When a texture doesn't work and impacts legibility, we use various accents, sparingly.
Competency benchmarks.
One of our products is competency benchmarks. These are earned rewards for benchmarking on Violet's e-learning platform.
Verified by Violet.
When clinicians complete sufficient training through Violet, they can earn verification to be posted online. Contact our team to see if your health care org and/or clinicians qualify to display Violet's verification.
Dark on light.
Light on violet.
While steering clear of tokenization or stereotyping, Violet carefully curates black and white photography to personify our brand and messaging.
We use photos that are documentarian and human while depicting patient-clincian relationships. We often use photos that showcase the everyday lifestyles of patients and clinicians too.

We love showing people, but we strive to show them in dignified, respectful, and honest ways. We try to never select photos that tokenize or stereotype. Also, we don't place text across the faces of people. We try to give enough space around the portrait.

Depicting patients
At our core, Violet's main mission is to improve patient satisfaction, retention, and health outcomes through improved clinician cultural competence. For this reason, we often spotlight patient-clincian interactions while aiming to select photos that are respectful and real.

The technical stuff
Black and white
Our style only uses black and white photography. It performs best for SEO and display ads, and balances well with our color palette.
We try to choose photos that are authentic and hopeful in tone. We don't use photos that look staged or come across as overly grim or dramatic.
We also select photos for composition. Images that include off-centered main subjects, close-ups, and 3/4 framing are all interesting perspectives that lend itself to good design. We also try to select many photos with negative space in case we need to dedicate it to a text overlay.
Photo editing
We edit photos to be black and white. Many of our photos also include more brightening and grain. This can be done on Photoshop if the photo doesn't include our style. A dark gray gradient may also be applied to the negative space of a photo if a text overlay could benefit from increased legibility.
Between iconography, typography, graphic elements, and photography, we layout our designs to be easily skimmable and understandable. The key is to balance different headers, subheaders, colors, and other design elements in a breathable format.
Nearly all of our layouts are based on the following order: a logo at the top followed by a header, sub-header, and body text with either a graphic element or photo adjacent.

When you’re creating a design, a good place to start is a twelve column grid.
It’s helpful to know framing before you select or direct photography.






Quarter circle

Isoceles triangle

Isoceles triangle
Craft layouts that are simple, but unexpected. To add warmth and personality to your designs, make imaginative use of the grid.