
Hi Jeremiah, nice to see you again. How has the treatment plan felt for you since we last spoke? I know last time we met there was a lot of information to take in with a new diabetes diagnosis.


Yeah… I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed by it all.


I’m sorry to hear that. A lot of patients I work with struggle getting into a routine initially. Are there parts of the treatment plan that have felt particularly hard or easy to manage?


The diet component has been challenging because I’ve been doing a lot of reading and the food I usually eat is what I’m supposed to be avoiding. I was able to start walking like you suggested. I decided to walk my daughter to school and that has been great.


I’m glad to hear the walking has gone well. It also sounds like you have really gone over the information I gave you which is a great place to start. Are there any foods on the list that you’re already eating?


Well, it said to eat protein and I think I make a good amount of meat, but the list said fresh fruits and vegetables and I mostly eat canned produce.


It sounds like you’re doing a great job. While fresh fruits and vegetables are amazing, the canned fruits and vegetables provide you with plenty of nutrients. Meat is an excellent source of protein. I can see how dedicated you are to your health. Do you think you would be interested in any other resources, like a cooking class, to help support you in navigating this journey?


Yes, that sounds like something that would be really helpful. My daughter would probably even want to join me. She’s been wanting to learn more about how to help me manage my health, too.


Wonderful, having social support that understands how to help you is really important. I will get a list of local options that both you and your support people may be interested in.




