Case vignette

Infant Feeding: approaches to cultural differences. The demonstration

Inclusive Language Illustration

Infant Feeding: approaches to cultural differences. The demonstration

In certain cultures, there is a belief that introducing rice cereal in an infant's bottle will help the baby sleep longer by filling their stomach faster. It is also common in cultures where a baby's weight is associated with health. However, this practice can lead to overfeeding, gastrointestinal issues, and may be a choking hazard. This topic can be difficult but important to navigate with clients who choose to practice it.


Hi, nice to see you again. How have you been since we last spoke?


I’ve been okay, excited for my baby to already be two months old!


That is such an exciting time! They are growing so much at this stage. What changes have you noticed with your baby?


Well he is moving his head a lot more, looking at me, and even smiling! Although he is still extremely fussy in the evenings.


Aw, it's so lovely when they smile. The evening time can be a common time for babies to be more fussy and also eat more. How have you been feeding him?


Well I’m still breastfeeding which is going well. But it just doesn’t seem like enough at night. My mom said to give him some cereal in a bottle and that will help to fill him up.


Wow great job on almost reaching your breastfeeding goal. I know that you wanted to make it to at least three months and you’re almost there! I am glad to hear it is going well. Could you tell me more about the cereal at night? What are some of the behaviors you’re noticing from your baby that make you feel he doesn’t have enough?


Mostly he just wont sleep through the night and I’m so tired. My mom and aunt both said they used cereal mixed with formula in a bottle and that worked to get longer stretches of sleep. They also mentioned that because he isn’t a really chubby baby it may be helpful with his weight.


It can be so hard to not get enough sleep, it truly makes everything more difficult. While introducing rice cereal in a baby's bottle is a common practice for some, it can lead to overfeeding, digestive problems, and even pose a choking hazard. If you’re interested I can share some other sleep options for you to consider. We can also take a look at his weight chart today and see if there is anything to be considered about.


Oh wow I hadn’t heard that before. Yeah, I'd love to learn more about sleep options. Honestly anything that will get me a little more rested right now I’ll try.


Perfect. I am also happy to write some of these recommendations down so you can share with your family if they are helping you during this time, or you’re welcome to invite them to our next visit.


Yeah I'd love to have them written down. Both so I don’t forget it and so I can share with my family.


Sounds great. Let's discuss some of your options and I can write down any that sound like they would work for your life right now.


Things to consider.


Consider the tone in which you say things and your body language. Being aware of your facial expressions can be difficult but with practice it can greatly impact the communication with your clients. 


It is helpful to determine why parents are making certain choices. Doing so can help uncover the actual issue that needs an intervention instead of just the symptom.  

Question to think about:

Not every client will decide to take your recommendation. How would you respond if this client returns having decided to move forward with the cereal in the bottle?