Case vignette

Effective depression screening for a culturally diverse client.

Inclusive Language Illustration

Effective depression screening for a culturally diverse client.

A 36-year-old cisgender, queer Taiwanese woman was referred to therapy by her primary care physician (PCP) due to ongoing stomach pain and headaches. During the conversation with her PCP, the client mentioned that she is generally doing well and does not have any major life stressors except for occasional work-related stress. The client notes they sought care from their acupuncturist prior to seeking care from their PCP.

Dr. Willis

Good morning, Thank you for coming in and being open to discussing your mental health. I’ll be asking you some questions that focus on your mood, energy levels, sleep patterns, appetite changes, and other symptoms to determine if you may be experiencing depression. On a scale from 0 to 3, with 0 being "not at all" and 3 being "nearly every day," how often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless in the past two weeks?


Good morning. Um, 0, not at all.

Dr. Willis

Have you experienced a lack of interest or pleasure in doing things during this time?


Yes, a 2, more than half the days.

Dr. Willis

Thank you. Have you felt tired or had little energy?


Yes, more than half the days.

Dr. Willis

Understood. Have you noticed any changes in your appetite or weight recently?


Yes, my appetite has decreased due to stomach pain, and I've lost some weight. I'd rate it as a 3, nearly every day.

Dr. Willis

I see. Let's discuss your stomach issues further. Can you tell me more about when you experience pain?


It hurts and feels uncomfortable. My doctor says there's nothing wrong.

Dr. Willis

That must be difficult for you. I also noticed you mentioned work stress. Can work-related stress be related to your mental health?


I think so. I've been putting everything into work and have noticed the pain when meeting with my manager and doing presentations.

Dr. Willis

I'd like to explore that further. Lastly, have you had any thoughts of hurting yourself or that life isn't worth living?


No, I haven't had those thoughts.

Things to consider.

Question to think about:

Reflecting on the client's PHQ-9 responses, what insights can we gain about the frequency and severity of their depressive symptoms?